Rockmount Foods

The best of every harvest

Welcome to Rockmount Foods-a leading producer and supplier of freshly processed fruits (pulps, concentrates) in India.

Welcome to Rockmount Foods

Rockmount Foods a leading producer and supplier of freshly processed fruits (pulps, concentrates) in India, catering to the food, beverage, and hospitality industries, baby food, ice-cream, food preparation sectors, nutraceuticals and businesses across domestic and international markets.

Sourcing in-season produce, Rockmount champions ethical growing, responsible sourcing and follows strict quality measures and prescribed standards to deliver nothing but the best.

Fully accredited, and certified, Rockmount Foods is an Industry enabler and a trusted partner with complementary expertise across the value chain.

mango with leaves

Our Products


A tropical fruit known for its natural sweetness, richness, and unique flavour, mangoes are loaded with nutrients.


Loaded with Vitamin C –more than any other fruit, Guavas pack in a punch with their rich mineral and fibre content.

Pink Gauva

Pink guava is a tropical fruit with pink flesh and a sweet. It’s a good source of vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants.


Called the champion fruit because of its infinite health benefits, are a rich source of potassium, and dietary fibre.


Muskmelon can help improve and strengthen the immune system, making it easier for the body to fight diseases.


A soft, fleshy, and nutritious fruit, Papaya is known to reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Facts About Us

Foods By Numbers

Years in Business

Countries Served

Tonnes Production
